Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A new picture of baby Allen #2

Yesterday, Jan 27, I went for another check up for the baby. He is doing wonderfully!! He is in the 50 percentile and I am gaining weight like I should be. This is a good thing since I thought I was doing a bad job. I have been trying to stay away from the sweets and all, but it is so hard. I try to eat a salad everyday and at least strawberries, an apple, and an orange everyday. I am doing really well with the fruit. With it being so cold inside the house and out I do not want to eat a cold salad with dinner. I am doing better though. I LOVE cucumbers so that helps. Anyway, I just wanted to show off our little guy, again. Here he is! He was moving his mouth too during the ultrasound along with kicking the tech and the doctor when they were moving the thing all over my belly.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Braden's Computer Disaster

While I was attending the Healthy Living Expo with my friend Elaine, Travis and Braden were hanging out at home. Travis had to go upstairs to do some work and left Braden downstairs on his computer for about 5 min. While Travis was upstairs Braden decided to clean the keyboard on his computer by taking all of the keys off. When asked what he did to his computer Braden's lip started quivering and he ran and hid in our bedroom until I got home. Travis wasn't mad, it's easy to fix, but thank goodness Braden has his own computer to "play" with.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Snow in Knoxville??? (a couple of hours later)

About 2 or 3 hours after I took the first pictures the snow really came down. We went outside and ran in it for a little bit, Braden loved it. I decided the pictures i took before were not giving the snow enough credit so I took some more. Enjoy!

Snow in Knoxville???

While watching Braden play on his computer this morning when I looked outside and saw it was snowing. It isn't much and it probably will not stick to anything but a couple of branches and maybe some cold tables and garbage cans. It is still very pretty to watch as it comes down.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Riding my Scooter

Sunday turned out to be a pretty nice day with a slight chill in the air, so we decided to take advantage of the nice weather and head outside. Braden wanted to ride his scooter the whole time. He really wasn't interested in trying out his bike just yet. We'll try that again next time. He had a blast, but after a while it got to be too chilly and it looked like the rain might come back so we headed back indoors.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Our Wild New Years Night

We decided to let Braden stay up until midnight this year, since we really didn't have any plans for New Years Day. Well, Braden made it until about 11:30pm. He looked at us, said that his stomach hurt and the next thing we knew he was laying on the couch passed out. He tried so hard to stay awake. Dadda kept asking him if he wanted to see the countdown and of course with Braden loving numbers the way he does he said enthusiastically "YES". Travis then thought he would be clever and try to get a picture of our TV and make it look like we were in New York for the New Year. Nice try! From our family to yours . . . HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009!