Today Braden went for his first cleaning at the dentist's office. I was expecting the worst; crying, screaming, having to bribe him, or anything else to get him into the chair. Boy was I in for a surprise! He did awesome! I had my cleaning last week and he watched me so he knew what was coming and he was prepared. He told me that he was going to open his mouth wide so the dentist could see all of his teeth. I asked him how many teeth he had and he proudly told me "500 teeth momma". He has 20.
When it was his turn to go back he followed the hygienist and hopped into the chair like a pro. She strapped on the spit cloth and asked him if he wanted to go for a ride. He excitedly said "yes!". When she was ready to start counting and cleaning she explained what she was going to do and he just went right along. It was wonderful. When he was all done he picked out a new tooth brush and then went to the prize box where he picked out a new bright pink bouncy ball (the pink one was the only bouncy ball they had). Both Braden and I go back in January for our next cleaning and they are going to do x-rays on his teeth then. I am very proud of my Big boy!