Today Logan went for his 6 month check-up with shots included. He is a very healthy little guy and very cute (according to Dr. Roberts and Nurse Lou). Here we go with his stats . . .
weight : 17 lbs. 5 oz. (45%)
height : 26 inches (33%)
The poor little guy had to get his 6 month set of shots, AND his dose of the regular flu vaccine and the H1N1 (first dose). He was very upset with Nurse Lou when she was done. He just looked at her and turned his head very sharply into my neck. He was MAD at her! All was forgiven though when she and Dr. Roberts brought in bubbles and he started grabbing for them and smiling. He was all smiles by the time we left the doctor's office. We will see if he remembers when we go back in 1 month for the 2nd round of the H1N1 vaccine.