The three (and a half) of us spent Saturday at 2 birthday parties. The first one was our friend Tyler's 5th birthday at Ty Kwon Do. The kids were able to do some exercises and try some karate moves. After their games they ate cake and pizza and watched Tyler open his gifts. Before we all were sent on our merry ways the Karate master gave us a little demonstration of his skills. Braden thought it was really cool when he broke some wooden boards with his foot. The second party of the day was for our friends Catherine (5 yrs) and her sister Alyssa (3 yrs). They had a mermaid swimming party at the Lenoir City Pool. Braden had a blast swimming with Dadda and his friends. I just sat back and watched since I am too big to wear my regular bathing suits and too small to wear my maternity one. It was still a fun day. Then when we got home Elijah, Ethan, Nay-Nay, and Pop came over with dinner and more playing. We are all pooped from the eventful day and are off to bed.
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