Well, here we are at the 30 week mark. My belly is getting bigger by the day and the baby is moving like crazy. He's already a little like his big brother. I swear sometimes he is doing back flips or playing soccer with my bladder, well at least that is what it feels like. I went for my doctor's appointment yesterday morning and the doctor said everything is going great. The baby's heartbeat is right on track and I'm looking good. My feet have started to swell a little bit and my legs feel like someone is pulling them in opposite directions, all normal. I can deal with normal. Also, the doctor felt around my pelvis area and told me that the baby is already starting to drop! How early were they talking when they said he would come early? Braden dropped early too and he was 4 days late! This kid better be early or on time.
Here are the belly photos for the week Braden wanted in on one this time too. Yes, he is pantless, but he does have his big boy underwear on! Enjoy!
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