At 8:14 am Thursday May 14 Logan Matthew Allen made his presence know to the world. He arrived via c-section weighing 6lbs. 14oz. and 19 1/2 inches long. Logan is doing great and so am I. He is eating well, sleeping well, and just loving all of the attention that he is getting from everyone, including his Big Brother Braden. We were able to go home on Saturday afternoon and were very happy to do so. I was getting tired of being cooped up in the hospital and was very anxious to get home. Our first night home went well too. Braden came down about 5 am and when Logan started crying he just simply hid under the covers to keep the sound down. He'll get used to it.
Logan is a very easy going baby so far. He is happy just laying in his bassinet or being cuddled by mom or dad. Here are a few pictures so far, but we have plenty more to come.
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