Today our little man is 5 months old. Wow, how time flies by. Logan is quite the little ham and LOVES to be talked to and played with. Anything and everything that his big brother Braden does is so funny to him. Logan is turning over (and over, and over), eating cereal (3 Tbsp w/ formula mixed in), and playing with tons of new (to him, they are all Braden's old ones with a few new ones mixed in) toys.
Over the weekend Travis and I packed up the bassinet in our room (it's being shipped off to a friend's for a while) and moved Logan upstairs. He is doing well sleeping in his big boy crib. I just cannot believe how fast time has gone by. Before I know it both of my little boys will be driving cars, talking to girls, and going off to college. But for now I am enjoying every minute that I have with my two crazy little guys.
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