This year instead of trying to squeeze both families in one day we decided to split Christmas, that and Travis's sister, Angela, had to work Christmas day so that helped in the splitting as well. Christmas Eve afternoon we arrived at Travis's sister Angela's house and spent the day opening presents with Grandma, Grandpa, Cousin Abby, Aunt Angela, Uncle David, Grandpa's Cousin Christine and Aunt Eleneva. Braden and Logan made a killing! (Abby did too.) Braden's favorite gift from Grandma and Grandpa, I think, are his Lightening McQueen Roller Skates. He can put them on all by himself (he still cannot get his shoes on by himself) and skate around the kitchen holding onto the table. He loves it. Logan got everything a little boy who loves monkeys can get. His toy his plays with the most is his toy hamster in a ball. Thanks Grandma! Fun was had by all and the kids were ready to pass out by 3 pm.
After Christmas with the Allen family we headed off to 4:00 mass at church. We have always gone to the children's service and Braden really enjoyed watching the kids come in as Mary, Joseph, shepherds, and angels. Next year Braden will be old enough to join them. We were very lucky this year as our new bishop said mass that day. It was very nice too.
Once mass was over we were off again to my Godmother's house for Christmas Eve dinner. We have been going there for a long time. Mom doesn't even remember when we started the tradition. Braden played with Madelyn (Ryan's girlfriend's daughter). She's just a few months younger than Braden/ They had a blast playing with their toys Mary and the family got them. I didn't get a picture, but Braden was helping Maddy dress a Barbie head and fixing her hair. It was too cute!
The only picture I was able to get of the evening was of cousin Abby trying to hold Logan.
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