Yes, as hard as it to believe Logan turned 10 months old on March 14!!! All I can say is WOW!!!! He is such a joy to be around, both boys are. Logan is into EVERYTHING!!!! He crawls everywhere he can, walks along everything he can, and talks to everything he can. He sings to me in the grocery store and just keeps all of us laughing all of the time.
We had Logan's 9 month check up yesterday (they are a month off). He is growing nicely and the doctor was very impressed with the fact that he is already walking along furniture and other things. Here are Logan's stats : weight 21 lbs 12.5 oz, height : 28 1.2 inches. He's a BIG boy!!!! I was comparing the boys stats in their baby books yesterday and Braden at 12 months weighed the same and was the same height as Logan is now! I think Logan may be bigger than Braden one day!
As I mentioned before Logan LOVES to eat! He eats his baby food, and everything else, without a problem. He LOVES bananas, peaches, bread, apples, french fries (not too many), chicken nuggets, cheese, eggs, steak, potatoes, lettuce, carrots; the list could go on forever. He is eating more table food as the teeth come in. Right now he has his 2 front bottom teeth and the 2 front top teeth are pushing their way through.
Braden is doing well also. He started T-Ball this week. He will be on the Yankees this year. He is excited about the team name and we will see what the season holds for him as a player. He played Wee-Ball last year which is kind of the same as T-Ball, but there aren't parents on the field, just coaches (2). We have yet to get a uniform, but when we do I'll be sure and get a picture on here.
Here are some pictures from things we have been up to lately. I need to get on here more and update so things aren't so long. Oh well. Enjoy!
1 comment:
So cute, Jess! Keep the updates coming-the boys are adorable, and I know Sean and Braden would get along great!
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