Monday, November 30, 2009

Funny photos

Friday evening after we came home from the Fantasy of Trees to rest for a bit we were back out into the Christmas festivities downtown. They had the lighting of the tree down by the movie theater and hot chocolate, plus Santa. We didn't get a chance to see Santa, we will before the holiday is over, but we did take part in the dancing (Braden did) and the hot chocolate. Here are just a few photos of the evening. The kids got free antlers, but Braden didn't want to wear his, Logan on the other hand didn't have a choice.

Fantasy of Trees

For the past 25 years one of the big events in Knoxville around Thanksgiving has been The Fantasy of Trees. This is a fund raising event for our area Children's Hospital. Local business, school and churches can decorate a tree to be purchased for various amounts of money ranging from $95 - over $1,000. It runs from the day before Thanksgiving through Thanksgiving weekend. Our Moms & Tots group at church has been decorating a tree there for the past 2 years and we have enjoyed every minute of it, plus it gets us free tickets to the event (bonus). Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, Travis and I took the boys ( & we treated Nay-Nay to a free ticket as well) to a day of Christmas festive fun. Braden and Logan rode the carousel. They both made pot holders with their hand prints, Logan did his foot print. We had a blast and ran into so many friends as well. Braden enjoyed riding the carousel with his friend Gracie. Aren't they so sweet! I think someone has a crush.

Happy Thanksgiving! (A little late)

We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year. Ours was pretty nice. We hosted Travis' family at our house this year and boy were we busy getting ready. Travis cooked the turkey and it turned out very yummy! Braden and Abby had a blast playing together and were very sad to say good-bye when it was time for her to go home. We will see her at Christmas and that isn't too far away! Happy Turkey Day!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

6 month check-up

Today Logan went for his 6 month check-up with shots included. He is a very healthy little guy and very cute (according to Dr. Roberts and Nurse Lou). Here we go with his stats . . .

weight : 17 lbs. 5 oz. (45%)
height : 26 inches (33%)

The poor little guy had to get his 6 month set of shots, AND his dose of the regular flu vaccine and the H1N1 (first dose). He was very upset with Nurse Lou when she was done. He just looked at her and turned his head very sharply into my neck. He was MAD at her! All was forgiven though when she and Dr. Roberts brought in bubbles and he started grabbing for them and smiling. He was all smiles by the time we left the doctor's office. We will see if he remembers when we go back in 1 month for the 2nd round of the H1N1 vaccine.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Logan is growing so fast!

Yesterday we hit a milestone at our house. Logan turned 6 months old and he has been crawling for the past week. Well, he sort of crawls. He pulls forward with his arms, pushes his knees in and hops forward. It's too funny, and he loves doing it. He gets around so well now. He turns around like a little merry go round, it's funny! He loves eating too. I mean he LOVES it! He has mastered bananas, applesauce, we are currently working on prunes. (Yum!) He goes for his 6 month check - up this coming Wednesday so I will have all of the latest stats on him then.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Hanging out with Friends

Over the weekend we attended Maureen's (one of Logan's Godmother's) 30 birthday party out in Norris, TN. I didn't get a picture of her, funny, just Braden and his new friend Atticus. Atticus's dad and I went to high school together and our boys had a blast playing with one another at the party.