Monday, September 7, 2009

Braden, Momma, and a Movie

Since Logan has been born any outing that comes up and isn't Logan "ready" Travis and Braden have been going themselves. Today was different!!! I got to go to a movie!!!! I haven't been to the movie theater since I was pregnant with Logan and it was to see "Bolt" in the dollar theater.
Today, being Labor day, everyone in the world was out doing things. Chick-Fil-A was packed with people in their sport team shirts getting their free sandwich (yes we did that) and the movie theaters were packed as well. Nay-Nay and Pop wanted to take Elijah and Ethan to a movie, but they wouldn't go unless Braden came too. So we left Travis and Logan at home and we were off to see a film. All of us have been curious about the 2nd installment to the "Night at the Museum" movie. During the movie Braden looked at me and said . . .

"Momma, is this a big TV?"
"Then can you change the channel, please?"

I guess he was a little bored with the movie. It was pretty good, not as good as the first though.
The good thing was it was at the dollar theater, so no harm done. We did stay for the entire movie though with NO trips to the bathroom!

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